what does ginger taste like

What are the health benefits of ginger?
spiced homemade ginger ale recipe with real fresh ginger
Homemade Spicy Ginger Ale 

Spices: Ginger 

Homemade ginger ale recipe by SeasonWithSpice.com
how to prevent or treat a cold or flu with ginger spice tonic
Take a shot of Strong & Soothing Ginger Tonic to prevent a cold 
Spices: Ginger 

How to make ginger tonic at home recipe by Season with Spice
what are the health benefits of ginger tea?
Ginger Lemongrass Tea - keeping you warm and healthy throughout the winter 
Spices: Ginger, Honey, Lemongrass 

Season with Spice recipes by Mark and Reese, cooking with spices and herbs